Centofanti School of Nursing Facilities and Labs

Nursing Facilities and Labs

Cushwa Hall is home to the classrooms, conference rooms, and labs for the nursing programs. The facilities allow for a well-rounded educational experience promoting clinical judgement and excellent outcomes. You'll have all the tools needed to succeed within the walls of the classroom and beyond.

The John and Dorothy Masternick Nursing Simulation Lab is an innovative and hands-on facility located on the third floor of Cushwa. The lab features computerized manikins with programmable scenarios including vital signs, including heart rate, rhythm, respiration and blood pressure, coughing and respiratory distress. The manikins allow for lifelike patient experiences. Exam tables and classroom and seminar space are also part of the lab.

The Nursing Skills and Simulation Lab is located on the second floor of Cushwa Hall. The spacious learning environment provides opportunities for students to learning required skills, medication administration and offers an area for practice.