Linguistics Consultations

Linguistics help sessions with a specialized tutor are now offered at the Writing Center's Maag Library main location. These students have been designated by English Department faculty as being trained to work with ENGL 2651, 3755, and 3757. Often these consultants spend time in linguistics courses, similar to a supplemental instruction leaders.

For a linguistics appointment, schedule as normal through WCOnline. Choose an available time slot with a consultant whose description lists the linguistics speciality in the bio. Type, "Linguistics help" in the "What do you want to work on?" section of the scheduler. You also have the option of requesting a linguistics session by e-mailing the WC at and adding, "Linguistics help" in the subject line of your e-mail.

Sessions usually include one-on-one review of course material, practice with class exercises, clarification of concepts and theoretical ideas, or work with additional examples or materials. Small group sessions (up to five people) are offered for study help before exams as well.